Die App „(Un)sichtbares Rostock“ vermittelt neue und spannende Einblicke in verschiedene Kapitel der Stadtgeschichte in Form mehrerer Stadtrundgänge.
Zunächst können Neugierige sich auf die Spuren kolonialer Herrschaft begeben und den Versuch starten die koloniale Geschichte und ihren fortwährenden Bezug zur Gegenwart zu verstehen. Wie wird Rassismus auch heute noch durch koloniale Bezüge sichtbar? Wie wird erinnert oder auch nicht? Was haben letztlich Kakao und Denkmäler gemeinsam?
In „(Un)sichtbares Rostock“ soll es zukünftig nicht nur um Kolonialismus gehen, die Stadtrundgänge „Rostock unterm Hakenkreuz“, „Rostock Lichtenhagen“ und „Konsum Global Rostock“ werden demnächst ergänzt und bieten noch mehr Möglichkeiten sich mit der Geschichte und Gegenwart Rostocks auseinanderzusetzen.
In dem Projekt steckt unzählbar viel Zeit und Energie. Deswegen freuen wir uns über jegliche Spenden wie Übersetzungshilfe, Kaffee, Geld, lobende Worte... :)
This virtual tour is going to show you places with colonial references and will raise the question how colonial thinking and acting is shaping the city and its people today. Soon some additional tours will follow.
An initiative of people described as "Rostock Postkolonial", which are affiliated with a project of Soziale Bildung e.V. and are researching and reconstructioning contents for this project since 2017. We are a diverse group of human beings, who see themselves as an advocacy group for the topic "Colonialism in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with a focus on the city of Rostock."
We want to be a part of an ecucational group leading a public discourse on an important period of German history. We think that colonialism shouldn't be only a peripheral topic. The debate with this topic is often missing an actual reference. Who is benefiting from continued colonial exploitation in many regions of the world? What kind of responsibility do we all have? It is, for example, very exciting to view it with the concept of 'critical whiteness' or from a people of color perspective.
The initiative wants you to have a desire for educational work with regional context. We want to focus on the roots of racism and to activate the human sense of justice. The main objective of our initiative is to make the topic of colonialism as attractive as possible for actual communication practices. To reach this we are designing and developing an application for a city tour through Rostock. We want to approach a utopia of a less discriminatory and more diverse society and to have more dialogues in public areas. The realization of this utopia, in a more or less cohesive group, requires networking with already existing initiatives worldwide.